Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I'm A Grandma!!!

A horsie grandma, that is. We knew my mare would deliver any day and, bless her heart, she did it before the storms come through tomorrow. Slogging through ankle deep mud to round up my mare and a brand new baby would not have been fun.

Anyway, DD came home this afternoon to find that Baby had arrived. Once again, the pictures are by DD. Isn't the baby a sweetie? My mare is a very good Mommy. She doesn't want the other horses too close, but she never gives us any trouble giving the shots and other, um, little doctor-stuff that needs to be done.

I swear our other mare, who is like Earth Mother, was looking at me like "Do you see what I went through while you were gone? I had to deliver this baby ALL BY MYSELF!"


I got my eyes lasered on Fiday, so I haven't blogged in a few days. My little peepers were a bit light sensitive for a few days, so I had to be a good girl and stay off the 'puter. I did get some good pics of wild turkeys eating in our back yard that I'll post tonight.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Jumping Dogs

Okay, so we're at my Mother's house, celebrating DD's birthday. My mother has a fairly small backyard that has been totally taken over by her boyfriend's beagles. They were on the deck, looking pitifully in the back door. I should have stayed inside and taken a picture of THAT, lol.

Instead, I stupidly stepped out on the deck to take their pictures and they jumped me! So, here I am jumping around, trying to dodge muddy dog feet and flashing dog claws. I never got any decent shots of the dogs. All I got was this one dog chest and a really blurry dog nose (below). Next time, I don't care how pitiful they look, I'm not goin' out there!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Hillbilly SnowBob

We got a beautiful snow last night and this morning. I had this big plan of making all these lovely pictures. Well, guess what? I go inside, have a few cups of coffee, some breakfast, and look outside. Most of the snow has melted!!!

So, instead of a bunch of gorgeous snowy landscape pictures, the best DD and I could do was build a short snowman on the deck. So - without further ado - meet Hillbilly SnowBob.